Sunday, December 17, 2006

Saturday's Search Effort

Search and Rescue efforts on Mt. Hood resume Saturday morning on Mt. Hood's south side above Timberline Lodge. The lost climbers ascended Mt. Hood on the north side, which is the location of Kelly's cell phone signals. Searchers intended to summit from the south, then go over to the north side and head for the location of the cell phone signals, but the weather prevented them. (Photographer Faith Cathcart)

After the news conference, where mothers of the three missing climbers each made statements, Brian Hall's mother, Clara Hall, is comforted by Sheriff Joe Wampler. This photo was taken at the Hood River airport where helicoptors were joining the search. (Photographer Steven Nehl)

Climbers approaching the summit of Mt Hood must detour around a crevasse on their approach and descent. (Photographer Paul Kitagaki Jr.)

A crew from the 152nd Nevada Air National Guard circles Mt. Hood in their C-130 searching for the missing climbers Saturday. The crew is using high powered cameras and IR (heat) sensing equipment. Maj. Allan Renwick looks out over Mt. Hood. Two flight crews were expected to search all night, stopping only to refuel. (Photographer Bruce Ely)

See video footage from the C-130 as it searched Mt. Hood Saturday:

These photos are from The Oregonian, Portland's newspaper.

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